"Vietnam Medic is a small treasure. Using a personal diary style, infused with a naive and gentle humor, this narrative is personal history at its best, a simple retelling of the intimate events of war. The author is most evocative precisely on this level -- letting us see the fear, boredom, doubts, and camaraderie of the Vietnam War." -----Robert C. Haynes, Maj., Medical Corps (1977-1989), California.
"A well-written memoir that covers his two-year military career." -----The VVA Veteran, July 1996, Washington, DC.
"Very well done." -----Ramrod News, Second Infantry Assoc., Spring 1996, Virginia.
"I recently read your book and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I guess you were really the first other than my family to welcome me home, and that I deeply appreciate." -----James Hancock, former Army medic, Texas.
"I definitely enjoyed the book. There were lots of memories for me as well. By the way, your lightning story was, pardon my pun, 'enlightening!' When I was wounded, I had what the shrinks now call a Near Death Syndrome experience. I never told anyone about it until years later. I figured everyone would think I was dien cai dau (dinky dow)!!" -----Bob Morris, former Army sergeant, Oregon.
"I enjoyed it very much . . . I also had trouble at first for not carrying a weapon. Combat medics all share a special bond." -----Dennis Johnson, former Army medic, Hong Kong.
"I gave my copy of your book to my father before he passed away last June, which he read straight through. He never discussed Vietnam with me, never. Your book opened that dialogue and he was able to relate some of what he did while there. Thank you for writing the book. It brought me a great deal of comfort knowing the day to day thoughts and duties performed by you and the battalion personnel during the war." -----Victor D. McCarley, Executive Vice President, Alabama Independent Insurance Agents, Inc.